FEITIAN OTP c300 OATH Event/Time-Based 2FA Hardware Token | I20

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The OTP c300 hardware token provides OATH event/time-based and challenge response one-time-password. The OTP c300 effectively eliminates many threats by secure your accounts with a second factor authentication.

Key Features:

  • Built-in LCD and numeric keypad
  • OATH event/time-based OTP
  • OATH challenge response (OCRA)
  • OATH transaction signature
  • Multiple-level PIN protection seed alteration

Seed Delivery

By default, FEITIAN will deliver OTP Seed/secret files to the contact email address on the order, shortly after we ship the order. If a different email is required or a different encoding format, please add a specific note to the order.

Seed Encoding Format

The default format we will provide is for HOTP tokens/cards - Hexadecimal; and for TOTP tokens/cards - Base32

We support multiple encoding formats, but most commonly:


Default, works with Duo Security, Okta, Eset, etc.


Required for Azure AD, Okta


RFC 6030 xml with AES 128 key

    Delivery mechanics

    We will send two emails, one containing the encrypted seed files, another the password to decrypt.


    Warranty: This product comes with a 1-year warranty from the date of purchase. 


    To customize this product, please contact us. 

